Crocosmia: Bulb Planting & Care

Crocosmia: The Sword Lily

By: Lauren M. Liff for Dabah Landscape Designs

The Crocosmia got its name from the Greek words krokos meaning “saffron” and osme meaning “odor”. Saffron is a spice typically derived from the Crocus when immersed in hot water. The Crocosmia gives off a fragrance that resembles that of saffron, so the name makes perfect sense. There are many varieties of Crocosmia out there but my personal favorite is known as ‘Lucifer’ (featured in the images accompanying this article). With its bright red flowers, its no wonder how this plant got its name!

A Member of the Iris family, the Crocosmia is Originally from South Africa however has proven to be hardy for zones 5 to 9. This phenomenal specimen forms sword shaped foliage surrounding tall stems adorned with amazingly bright blooms. Other varieties of Crocosmia (also known as Montbretia) come in a wide range of reds, oranges and yellows. The beautiful funnel shaped blooms also give off a delicate fragrance which is enhanced when the flower is cut and dried.


When it comes to planting Crocosmia in your landscape, keep in mind that it prefers full sun and slightly acidic soil that is well drained. The corms (similar to bulbs) should be planted in the early spring (before April 15th) and should be typically planted 5 to 10 bulbs per square foot - 6 to 8 inches apart for a border or 15 to 20 centimeters when used as a massing plant. Crocosmia will bloom in May or June; newly planted bulbs do sometimes wait till the following season to show flowers (however planting them properly and in the right area will promote more vigorous blooming). When planted as a massing plant, Crocosmia is able to show off its true potential but also works well as a back border in a perennial garden.

Aside from its unique look this interesting plant will bloom all summer long and proves to be drought tolerant once established. Other advantages of this beauty are the fact that it is disease and deer resistant which is exactly what we need in New Jersey! This plant is also a pollinator favorite, by attracting humming birds, butterflies and other pollinators – the Crocosmia helps the environment by combating epidemics such as colony collapse disorder. This exotic looking plant makes a great addition in any landscape and adds a wonderful flare of color throughout the entire summer! For more information take a look at the links listed below.

Allium Schubertii: Ornamental Onion That Looks Like Fireworks

Allium Schubertii -- What's in a Name?

By Sue Broderick for Dabah Landscape Designs

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There are various common names for this plant, but none refer to what is clearly its most striking feature. That is, because the flower head and seed head look like fireworks exploding, if I were to have the honor of naming the plant, I would include "fireworks" in the moniker. Instead, it goes by such common names as:

  • Ornamental onion
  • Flowering onion
  • Tumbleweed onion (see below)
  • Persian onion
  • Schubert's onion
  • Plant taxonomy refers to it as Allium schubertii.  "Onion" appears in the common names because Allium is the genus name for both edible and ornamental onions.

Plant Type:  Allium schubertii is a spring bulb plant. As with other such bulbs, you must remember to plant in fall if you wish to enjoy those delightful blossoms in spring.

Characteristics of Allium Schubertii:  This ornamental onion reaches a height of 18-24 inches, with a width slightly less than that. Foliage is strap-like. The plant blooms in May in my zone 5 landscape, producing pink flowers.

But that only begins to tell the story of this remarkable plant. It's really the shape, size and structure of the flower head, rather than the color that is exceptional. It's possible for a flower head to contain 100 or more blooms. While some of those blooms (say about 50) in the flower head remain close to the center, others blossoms (another 50 or so, in my example) will be found on longer stalks that shoot out to various distances from the center.

This is the reason why the flower head is said to look like fireworks "bursting in air."

But let's talk measurements. One of mine produced a flower head forming a globe 18 inches across. Some of those longer flower stalks I mentioned were 4 inches long, others 9, still others somewhere in between those figures. A seed head succeeds this flower head and will dry of its own accord, leaving you with a highly decorative, straw-colored sphere of great complexity.

The Missouri Botanical Garden notes that a dried seed head will become disengaged from the clump and "tumble along the ground with the wind spreading seed as they go." Thus the origin of one of the common names: "tumbleweed onion." The allusion is, of course, to that classic desert plant, the tumbleweed, forever associated with Westerns. Other than my invented common name for this plant (namely, "fireworks onion"), "tumbleweed onion" is perhaps the most descriptive designation.

Planting Zones for Allium Schubertii:  I can safely recommend growing these bulbs in planting zones 5-8. I have, however, seen them listed as being even cold-hardier than that. A lot will depend on your soil: if you have a heavy soil that retains water in winter, chances of survival are decreased.

According to Anna Pavord's book on flower bulbs, they are indigenous plants in "Palestine, Syria, northern Iran, and western Turkestan." But they may become naturalized plants elsewhere, under the right conditions.

Sun and Soil Requirements:  Think about the regions to which this ornamental onion is native (see above), and that will give you a clue as to the growing conditions it likes: namely, full sun and a well-drained soil. Once established, it is a drought-tolerant perennial. In fact, it needs to be in dry soil during the summer, fall and winter to remain healthy. Planting in a loamy soil enriched with humus may result in superior growth.

Wildlife and Allium Schubertii:  A good plant to attract butterflies, Allium schubertii does not attract wildlife that you probably don't want on your land, namely deer. Like many strong-smelling specimens (remember, it is a type of onion, after all!), it is a deer-resistant plant. So far, so good. The outlook is not so sanguine, however, if you're a pet owner (see below).

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Care:  The leaves of Allium schubertii are not especially attractive -- particularly during and after flowering. But resist the temptation to tidy up by cutting the leaves. Messy as they look, they are serving a purpose, taking in nutrients through photosynthesis. So let the leaves remain standing until they turn completely brown.  Divide in fall.

If you doubt the cold-hardiness of this ornamental onion in your area, mulch it to furnish winter protection.

To fertilize, you can apply compost anytime. Alternatively, you can apply a bulb fertilizer immediately after flowering, as you would with other bulb plants.

Uses in Landscaping and Beyond:   In spring Allium schubertii is spectacular enough to serve as a focal point in a planting bed of small plants. Give it plenty of space, as you do not want the foliage of other plants obscuring your view of it during its peak display time. Consequently, avoid planting it next to large plants which will swallow it up and render it an afterthought in your design -- a landscape design mistake of which I was initially guilty.

As plants that crave sharp drainage, they are useful in rock gardens.

These ornamental onions will also furnish you with good cut flowers, as they are not only stunning but boast a sturdy stem. Even better, enjoy them as dried flowers (the flower heads will dry out without any help from you and hold up quite well); but see below about taking precautions if you own cats.

Ornamental onions (plus the types that we humans eat) are considered poisonous plants for dogs and cats. Our beloved feline got into our display, playfully chewing on the seeds. Persistent vomiting ensued. $1300 later, she pulled through.

How to Start Allium Schubertii From Seed 

Commonly called tumbleweed onion, Allium schubertii is a perennial ornamental favored for its large, frilly flower heads and ease of maintenance. It grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 to 9, where it is often planted in large groups to create a dramatic flower display in late spring. Tumbleweed onions grow from bulbs, which can be divided from an existing plant or started from seed. The seeds germinate reliably under warm, moist conditions, but the resulting seedlings may take up to three years to produce a mature, dividable flower bulb. Start tumbleweed onion seeds approximately eight weeks before the last spring frost.

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  1. Wrap the seeds in a moistened paper towel and place them inside a sealable plastic bag. Chill the seeds in the refrigerator for four weeks, remoistening the paper towel as needed.
  2. Fill a 2 1/2-inch-deep greenhouse tray with seed-starting compost. Drizzle water onto the compost until it feels moderately moist throughout. Allow the excess water to drain off for ten minutes before sowing the seeds.
  3. Sprinkle the seeds on the surface of the moist compost. Try to space them at least one inch apart. Cover the seeds with a scant, 1/16-inch-thick layer of compost. Press the compost with the palm of your hand. Mist it liberally with water.
  4. Place the greenhouse tray on a germination mat inside a cold frame under bright, filtered sunshine. Set the temperature on the germination mat to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Moisten the compost with a spray bottle whenever the surface is nearly dry. Do not allow the compost to dry out completely.
  5. Lower the nighttime temperature on the germination mat to 50 F after the sprouts emerge, which should take around four weeks. Thin the tumbleweed onion seedlings to one every 2 inches once they reach 1 inch tall.
  6. Remove the germination mat four weeks after the seeds sprout. Crack open the cold frame to increase air circulation around the seedlings. Continue watering them whenever the compost feels mostly dry on the surface. 
  7. Scoop out and transplant the tumbleweed onion seedlings into individual 4-inch pots filled with a mix of 3 parts potting soil and 1 part coarse sand. Grow them under light shade during their first summer outdoors. Provide each plant 1 inch of water weekly.
  8. Transplant the tumbleweed onion plants into a permanent bed in fall, in mid- to late October. Choose a sunny garden bed with loamy or sandy, fast-draining soil. Group the plants together, allowing 10 to 12 inches of space between them.

Little Titch Catmint

 Introducing “Little Titch,” also known by its proper name Nepeta Racemosa (mussinii), this little beauty is a dwarf member of the catmint family.  It is also called “Persian catmint.”

Its silvery-green foliage gives an impression of a light misty dew perpetually resting on the leaves. 

As a dwarf, it only reaches a height of up to 10 inches and a spread of slightly more.  It is not invasive as some other mints.  This is the perfect plant for your rock garden or border.  The foliage perfectly complements a stone background.

Little Titch will bloom perpetually from early to mid-spring through the fall if you deadhead it periodically.  It can handle a good trim if necessary and will rebound with more purple to blue flowers.  The plants can be divided every few years.

Plant it in a well-drained area with plenty of direct sun and it will be happy.  Once it’s established, you can ignore it and it will be just fine.  It is both drought- and salt-tolerant and does wellin USDA zones 4 to 8.

Living in northern New Jersey, I am thrilled to say that the aromatic foliage makes this plant rabbit- and deer-resistant!  It will attract plenty of butterflies and other pollenators.  The leaves are sometimes added to potpourri to improve the scent.

In olden times, parts of the plant had many medicinal uses including treatment of digestive problems, a sleep-inducer, destroying intestinal parasites and as a topical treatment for some skin issues.  

Don’t call this plant “catnip.”  While catnip is a member of the mint family, it is a distinct plant with very different growth habits than Little Titch.

With the right location, Little Titch is a plant that you will love for years!


By Susan Broderick for Dabah Landscape Designs

Kerria, the Japanese Rose

Written by Susan Broderick for Dabah Landscape Designs

When first I saw Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora' it was love at first sight.  The leaves reminded me of boysenberries – which I love – and the flowers were simply gorgeous.  There was a profusion of miniature yellow “roses” with the slightest hint of orange covering this shrub.

Of course I purchased one and brought it home to plant in that empty corner of the front yard.  It grew to drape over the stone wall and kept my yard decorated for many years.

Kerria does well in full or partial shade and tolerates full sun but the sun will bleach out the color of the flowers.  It likes well-drained, average soil in an area with average rainfall (20+”) for optimal growth.  Kerria is hardy in zones 4-9.

The bright green stems bring some cheer in winter months and the flowers arrive in mid-spring and it may rebloom during the summer.  If you need to prune it, the time to do that is after the flowers are done.  Kerria will grow to be 6-8’ tall and wide but you can tame it for a smaller area.  In fact, an occasional pruning is about the only thing this plant needs to remain healthy.  It can do well without fertilizer and both insects and deer pass it by.

You can grow more of these lovely plants by rooting cuttings, or from the suckers it sends up.  You can also divide it in the fall if it’s not too large to handle.

The growth is reminiscent of forsythia with its long arching branches, but the flowers last longer and in my opinion, are much prettier!

There are other varieties of kerria with single flowers or variegated foliage but this is certainly my favorite.  Be sure to check it out.


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